交大 DSNS Lab 開發
有申請專利 …

交大 DSNS Lab 開發
看起來就是個有加密的 telnet (?)
聽說後來沒人維護,就被 SSH 幹掉了

SNP telnet for Windows 給你安全的 telnet 環境 - PChome 下載

Quote from 《網路與通訊》 淺談網路安全與防護

(Security Network Protocols, 簡稱SNP)。
如安全電子郵件(Certified Secure E-mail System,簡稱CS-Mail)、
身分認證中心(Certificate Authority)及
網路監聽系統(Network Monitor Systems)等

Quote from https://ir.nctu.edu.tw/bitstream/11536/6497/1/000272742700008.pdf

Among these protocols, Secure Network Protocol (SNP)(Shieh et al., 1999)
is one of the few protocols that has real deployment for years.
SNP is a symmetric-key based protocol providing an efficient way for both intra- and inter- domain authentication.
Compared to Kerberos, fewer messages are required in SNP to authenticate client identity.
For intra-domain authentication,
SNP takes four messages to authenticate client identity and one more optional message for mutually authenticating the server.
For inter-domain authentication, it takes seven messages for initial authentication,
regardless of the number of hops between the visited and home domains.
Only two messages are required for subsequent authentication when requesting the same service.
To simplify the design, SNP replaces timestamps with nonces, reducing the need for time servers.
For faster authentication, a master key is shared by the authentication server (AS) and the service servers (S).
The unchanged master keys can make the system vulnerable to various attacks.

Quote from Prof. Shiuhpyng Shieh

He was the designer of SNP (Secure Network Protocol), which was a very popular security software package.

這篇疑似是 Secure Network Protocol 的論文




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