A note for 0CTF 2015
web / mislead
Padding Oralcle Attack in Cookie
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Padding_oracle_attack
- https://github.com/mwielgoszewski/python-paddingoracle
web / golden mac 1
Download .DS_Store file from
It tells the flag is in
Then, upload a .docx files which contains XXE to read the flag.
- https://www.owasp.org/index.php/XML_External_Entity_%28XXE%29_Processing
- http://resources.infosecinstitute.com/xxe-attacks/
web /forward
forward the MySQL connection to your MySQL Server and look at the network traffic.
u will see the flag leaked.
SELECT flag FROM forward.flag
crypto / GREBeginner
crypto / RSA Quine
mobile / dataraidar
- http://www.forensicswiki.org/wiki/How_To_Decrypt_Android_Full_Disk_Encryption
- http://blog.scrt.ch/2015/03/27/insomnihack-finals-insomnidroid-level-1-writeup/
mobile / simpleapk
08:39 < KT_SaH> wytshadow: simpleapk: reversed the lib and saw some xoring, so I xored the flag.txt => win
08:39 < riatre> wytshadow: simpleapk: reverse the elf
08:39 < niklasb> yeah and maybe realize that they used adi
08:39 < niklasb> *adbi
08:40 < Zzzzzzzzzz> wytshadow: simpleapk: inject logger in smali, recompile, dump variable with flag ;]
08:44 < niklasb> the XOR key had 0 bytes at the first 5 and the last position
08:45 < KT_SaH> 0ctf{Too_Simple_Sometimes_Naive!!!} -> 0ctf{It's_More_Than_Meets_The_Eye!}
mobile / VEZEL
08:39 < niklasb> wytshadow: tl;dr for vezel you could just compute the values from another app
08:39 < KT_SaH> vezel: IDA + adb + print flag value :D
08:39 < KT_SaH> + bluestacks
Pwn Challenges
- LFI - Local File Inclusion
- SSRF - Server Side Request Forgery
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