

Real Cases in Computer Vision

  • Character Recognition (LeNet)
  • Microsoft PhotoSynth
  • Video Reenactment
  • Auto Driving
    • Autonomous Cars - NVIDIA Drive PX2
      • Object class recognition
      • Semantic Segmentation
        • 分辨出哪裡是車子可以開的地方
      • Radar
        • 用雷射去掃周邊的環境,可以很快速的去辨認,但跟電腦視覺比較無關。
      • 電子後照鏡
        • 解決視線死角問題
    • Grandma rides a Tesla
  • Trip Wire
  • Loitering
  • People Count
  • Speed Test
    • 不用都卜勒雷達算,直接用影像計算。
    • 不小心歪掉就不準了,所以大家知道怎麼躲這種測速了吧 (XDD
  • Smart Daily
    • 用監視器的影像辨認人臉打卡。
  • Smart Fast Forward (Skywatch 的產品)
    • 用影像辨識來判斷農舍監視器畫面中哪些時間是有人的,主要是用來定期追蹤是否有記得噴灑農藥。
  • Structure from motion
  • 3D Reconstruction
  • Person tracking
  • Face detection

Relationship to Data Science?

  • Rich info, lots of data (in terms of bits)
  • Unstructured, usually without much context / semantics
  • Difficult to process and query
  • We are generating them every day
    • 要變成人類歷史的一部份,轉化成可搜尋的話,是個問題。

A Brief History of Computer Vision

  • 1966, Marvin Minsky
    • 50 年過後,我們還沒完全解決這個問題。
  • 1960's: Interpretation of Synthetic Worlds
    • Larry Roberts (Father of Computer Vision)
  • 1970's: Some progress on interpreting selected images
  • 1980's: AI Winter ... back to basics
    • 1984: Perceptual Organization and Visual Recognition, David Lowe
    • Blending
    • Shape from shading
      • 用三角函數找出反光的角度建模
    • Edge Detection
    • From Science to Engineering
  • 1990's: structure, segmentation and face recognition
  • 2000's: more object classes, computational photography, video processing
    • 重新對焦的照相機
    • Texture Sythesis
  • 2010's: Deep Learning is Back!!
    • AlexNet NIPS 2012
    • DeepFace CVPR 2014
    • DeepPose CVPR 2014
    • Show, Attend and Tell ICML 2015

Basic parts of Computer Vision

Reference Books

Image Formation and 2D Image Processing

  • Image formation
    • 照相原理:散射會造成無法成像,所以透過針孔(作為 barrier),使其成像。
      • 缺點
        • 光線不足,所以很暗
        • 針孔太大的話,成像會變模糊,所以加上透鏡輔助。
          • Circle of Confusion
            • 有散景表示你的鏡頭光圈夠大,代表你是有錢人。 XDD
    • Modeling Projection
      • The coordinate system
        • Homogeneous Coordinations
          • 3D 轉 2D
          • 4D 轉 3D
    • Projection equations
    • Camera parameters
    • Distortion (扭曲)
      • Types
        • Pin Cushion Distortion(針包)
        • Barrel Distortion (木桶)
      • Camera Calibration (攝影機校正)
        • 使用時機:把扭曲移除、改變照片的角度、要辨認轉了角度的物件畫面 (Low Level Projection)
    • Tilt-shift
      • Digital Color Images
        • Bayer Filter
          • 人對綠色比較敏感,對藍色比較不敏感。
          • 彩色的照片是 3 個黑白的 RGB 疊加起來
          • Many early algorithms use greyscale instead of color images, Why?
            • 早期只有灰階照片
            • 彩色會有偏差
        • Image Filtering
          • Sliding Window
          • Sharpening filter (Unsharp Mask)
          • Vertical Edge
          • Horizontal Edge

Epipolar geomerty and stereo matching

  • Recovering structure from a single view
    • Intrinsic ambiguity of the mapping from 3D to image (2D)
    • 2D 是無法直接確定物體距離與深度的,必須用兩個眼睛來看,三角定位。
  • Epipolar geomerty
    • Parallel Images Plane
    • Forward translation
    • Epipolar line
    • The "Vertigo" Effect
    • Epipolar Constraint (F)
      • Estimating F
        • The Eight-Point Algorithm
    • Fundamental Matrix 很重要!
    • Rectification
      • Your basic stereo algorithm
      • Triangulation
    • Depth Map Results
    • Active stereo with structured light
      • Data Acquisition

Structure from motion and tracking

  • Finding Path Through the World's Photos
  • Pose Estimation
  • Structure from motion
    • Tracking
      • 找特徵點去追蹤,然後解出結構。

Stitching and computational photography


  • Image Mosaics
  • Recognizing Panormas
  • De-Ghosting
    • Cutout-based de-ghosting
      • Cutout-based compositing
      • Photomontage
      • 可以把好幾張裏面有不同人閉眼的照片合成一張沒有人閉眼的照片。
    • Poisson Image Editing
      • Possion Equation: 微分、微分、再積分
      • 照片合成特效
      • Seamless Poisson cloning
      • Face Cloning
      • Texture Swapping
  • Interactive Mobile Panorama
  • High Dynamic Range Imaging (HDR)
    • The real word is high dynamic range
      • Typical cameras have limited dynamic range
        • Solution: Merge multiple exposures
    • Varying Exposure
    • Tone Mapping
    • Simple Global Operator
  • Interactive Local Adjustment of Tonal Values
    • Tonal (色調) Manipulation
    • Constraint Propagation
    • Touch-Tone: Point-and-Swipe Image Editing

Visual Recognition and Query

  • 1989
    • MNIST, Backpropagation applied to handwritten zip code recognition
    • Character Recognition (LeNet)
  • 1998, Neural Network-Based Face Detection
  • 1999, SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform)
    • Object Recognition from Local Scale-Invariant Features, Lowe, ICCV 1999.
    • No more sliding windows (interest points)
    • Better features (use more computation)
    • 找出來的特徵點會是一個球,而不是邊邊角角。
    • Better Descriptor
      • Image gradients => Keypoint descriptor
      • Truncated normalization (globally)
      • 高維度的球
    • What worked
      • Object instance recognition
      • Panaroma
    • What failed?
      • 無法認東西
  • 2001, Rapid Object Detection using a Boosted Cascade of Simple Features, Viola and Jones
    • Why did it work?
      • Simple Features (Haar wavelets)
      • 假設光線都是從上打下來,直接去認眼睛和鼻子的陰影,覺得有可能的保留,沒可能的就丟掉,所以速度很快。
    • Why did it fail?
      • 側面就無法 work
  • 2003, Constellatioin model (redux) (related to SIFT)
    • Object Class Recognition by Unsupervised Scale-Invariant Learning
  • 2005, HOG (Histograms of oriented gradients) (related to SIFT)
    • Normalize locally not globally
    • Why worked?
      • Hard negative mining
      • Computers are fast enought
    • What failed?
      • 無法認出運動中的人,必須要站著。
  • 2007, Pascal VOC
    • The PASCAL Visual Object Classes (VOC) Challenge
    • 只有 20 個分類
  • 2008, DPM (Deformable parts model)
    • Object Detection with Discriminatively Trained Part Based Model
    • Star-structure
  • 2009, Caltech Pedestrian
  • 2009, ImageNet
    • ImageNet, A Large-Scale Hierarchical Image Database
  • 2010, SUN
    • SUN Database: Large-scale Scene Recognition from Abbey to Zoo
    • over 77,000 worker hours (8+ years)
  • 2012 DNNs
    • GPUs + Data
    • Classification vs Deteciton
      • Detection need to know the position of the target object
    • CNN, RNN
    • Why it fails
      • 找不到位置的話就很難去判斷
      • Neural Networks are easily fooled
        • 會把看起來完全不相關的雜訊誤判成某些物件
          • Neural Networks are easily fooled: High Confidence Predictions for Unrecognizable Images
        • PANDA: Pose Aligned Networks for Deep Attribute Modeling
        • DeepFace: closing the gap to human-Level performance in fac verification
    • Additional Challenges
      • Detecgtion in context (with common sense)
        • 加入一些常識的判斷,例如:人在普通情況下不可能在天上飛之類的等等
      • Model awareness
      • Training time (when dataset is incrementally updated)
        • 每個公司都用大量的電腦去運算,不僅耗時,也蠻浪費電的。
      • More science?
        • 目前比較像是大量嘗試去找出方法,不太有系統且有科學性。


Search By Image Examples

  • Still very much an open problem
  • Most commercial applications use a mixture of algorithms
    • 沒有一種演算法可以完全解決這個問題
  • Google Goggles in action
    • Text => OCR
    • Landmarks, Books, Artwork, Wine, Logos => SIFT
    • Contact Info
  • TinEye
    • 以圖找圖
  • Instance Recognition
  • Search Structure
  • Possible Solutions
    • Find approximate words
      • Approximate nearest neighbour (ANN)
      • 維度比較高,所以速度比較慢
    • Find lower dimensional spae to split the data
      • 找 2D 的的資料,雖然沒那麼準確,但速度會比較快。
    • Scalable Recognition with a Vocabulary Tree
      • 先拿一張圖找 Feature
      • 找出來後丟到高維度的空間(約兩百多維)
      • 會有很多不同的點
      • 用定義好的向量距離,用 K-means 做分群
      • 遞迴做下去就可以得到愈多種類的分群結果
      • 最後再把不需要的東西去掉,得到 Vocabulary Tree
      • 得到 Vocabulary Tree 後,把每個 Feature 丟進去,會知道在 Vocabulary Tree 的哪個節點
      • 如果該 Feature 的結果只指向一張圖的話,就很有可能是這張圖。
      • 但當某個節點有關的圖愈多的話,entropy 愈高,結果就愈難判斷。
      • 這時候可以使用 tf-idf

【加速】圖形處理器與深度學習 (GPU and Computation)

Parallel Processing and GPU

Parallel Computing Goals

  • To slove your problem in less time
    • 平行化去處理
  • In order to parallelize a problem
    • 要去看哪邊有關聯性,並確定處理這些關聯性對演算法的影響。

Types of Parallelism

  • Multiple Programs
    • Multi-tasking
    • Multi-threading
  • Single Program
    • Instruction-levl parallelism
      • Multiple instructions in a serial program get excuted simultaneously
    • Data-level parallelism
      • Single Instruction, Multiple Data processing model (SIMD)
  • Amdahl's Law
    • Named after computer architect Gene Amdahl
    • Speedup of a parallel computer is limited by the amount of serial work
  • Resource Management
    • 哲學家晚餐問題

GPU Applications

  • Real-time rendering. e.g. Game
  • Movie Effect

GPUs Today

  • GPUs are becoming more programmable
  • GPUs now support 32/64 bit floating points numbers
  • GPUs have higher memory bandwidth than CPUs


  • Compute Unified Device Architecture
  • CUDA Workflow
    • Get a CUDA-enabled GPU
    • Write C/C++ like code (*.cu)
    • Compile with CUDA compiler (nvcc)
      • Generated PTX code ("Parallel Thread Execution")
    • Applications auto-magically run on GPUs
      • Many many parallel threads
      • CUDA driver translate PTX code into hardware.
  • CUDA Overview

之前學 CUDA 時收集的一份不錯的 CUDA 教學系列文:Nice Series of CUDA Tutorials on

Frameworks and Libraries

  • BLAS Library (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms)
    • 和 Fortran 同年代的產物
    • Processor vendors implement their BLAS library
      • e.g., Intel MKL (Math Kernel Library)
    • cuBLAS - CUDA version, very fast
  • NVIDIA Thrust Library
    • A little like C++ STL library for CUDA
    • Very few lines of code for vector manipulation
    • Fast implementation of parallel primitives
      • reduce
        • mapreduce
      • scan
      • sort
    • Deep Neural Network Library for CUDA
    • TensorFlow, Caffe, Microsoft CNTK
    • Deep Learning Getting Started Advises
      • Borrow (steal if you must) a modern GPU
      • Use Caffe for your deep learning projects
      • Browse through the Caffe Model Zoo and try out the existing (pre-trained) models (AlexNet, R-CNN and GooLeNet


  • Introduct OpenCV by the official tutorials

    • Core functionality
    • Image processing
    • Demos
  • Python, OpenCV, Numpy

    • Canny Edge Detection
      1. Detect unique edges
        • 不管是 strong edge 或 weak edge 在經過微分後都會產生一個 peak
      2. Edge Voting (Use 2 threshold)
        • Strong edge: Always accept.
        • Weak edge: Accept when connected.
      3. 是很多後續演算法的基礎
    • Histogram
  • Demo
    • OpenCV QR Drive
      • QR code Marker Detection
        • 1:1:3:1:1 black-white markers at the coners
      • How to detect 11311?
        • Only need to use raster scan
        • Use Otsu algorithm
          • Thresholding: leave only white and black
          • A binarization algorithm that minimize the weighted intra-class variance algorighm for bimodal distributioin.
        • Detect the most bright points
          1. Dilate
          2. Equality check
          3. Threshold
        • Dilation and thresholding
    • Make a little PiBorg which will chase the $1,000 NTD bill.
  • Conclusion
    • Basic OpenCV functionalities
    • OpenCV and image processing
    • OpenCV and detection



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