CP100A 筆記


Course Overview

CP100 V2: Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals

Module 1: Introducing Google Cloud Platform

Why Choose Google Cloud Platform?

  • 你可以在 GCP 看到所有不同 Region 的機器,不用像 AWS 一樣必須切換 Region
  • 可以直接享用 Google 遍布全球的網路設施

Google's Infrastructure

  • GCP Next
    • GCP 的年度會議

      2015 年第一屆辦在日本東京
      2016 年第二屆辦在荷蘭阿姆斯特丹。

  • 最近在日本新增了 Data Center
  • Google 的高速 Backbone Network
  • Points of Presence
    • 幾乎全球都有節點
  • Edge Caching

Cloud Regions and Zones

Innovative, Customer-Friendly Pricing

  • Sub-hour billing
    • 以分計費
    • 不像 AWS 以小時計費,不滿一小時仍然以一小時計費
  • Sustained-use discounts
    • 機器開超過一定的時間就會有折扣,採累進的折扣。
  • Compute Engine custom machine types
  • 價錢比較便宜,但有夠難算 XDDD

Commitment to Open APIs and Open Source

The Future of Cloud Computing

  • 1st wave: Colocation
  • 2nd wave: Virtualized Data Centers
  • 3rd wave: A global, elastic cloud

IaaS and PaaS

  • IaaS: Compute Engine
    • Towards managed infrastructure (DevOps)
  • PaaS: App Engine
    • Towards managed services (NoOps)

Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform

  • Storage
    • BigTable
      • Fully Compatible with HBase
      • Google 版本的 HBase
    • Cloud SQL
      • 最近出了 2.0 (2nd Generation)
  • Big Data
    • Pub/Sub
      • Distributed Message Queue like Kafka
    • Dataflow
      • a unified programming model and a managed service for developing and executing a wide range of data processing patterns including ETL, batch computation, and continuous computation.
    • Dataproc
      • Spark Cluster
      • an Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, Apache Pig, and Apache Hive service, to easily process big datasets at low cost.
    • Datalab
      • 基本上就是 Google Cloud 版本的 Jupyter Notebook (IPython Notebook)

Google Cloud Launcher

  • 和 Bitnami 合作提供的服務
  • 可以直接在上面直接 Create 設定好的 GCE instance

Lab 1


  • Project 的管理
    • Members 的 account 可以採用 gmail.com, apps for work 的 account, Google Groups 的 account, service account
    • 一個帳號可以管理多個 project
    • 管錢的和管 Project 的帳號可以分開設定
    • 可以考慮多開不同的 Project,一來是 Quota 的限制比較不會那麼吃緊,二來是 Permission 的設定可以比較不需要那麼費心,如果全部的 Team 都擠在同個 Project 的話,Permission 的設定可能得多費心調整。
  • Billing
    • Sustain Pricing 在遇到 billing account change 的時候會重算,所以
    • 可以設定 budget,超過的時候會通知,每個服務也都可以設限。

Module 2: Getting Started with Google Cloud Platform

Cloud Computing

Compute Engine --- Container Engine --- App Engine --- Cloud Endpoints  
IaaS ------------- Clusters -------- Managed VMs (beta) -------- PaaS  
Configurability DevOps <-----------------------------> Agility NoOps  
  • IaaS
    • Compute Engine == AWS EC2 == Virtual Machine
      • Raw compute granular control
      • 可以使用預先提供好的 Image,也可以自己建好 Image 再上傳來用
  • PaaS
    • App Engine
      • 最早出來的時候是只有 Python
      • 有漲價過,當時一堆人離開
      • 後來又有一些人回來用,支援 Java, Go, PHP, Python
      • 最近 Beta 開始支援 Ruby
    • Cloud Endpoints
      • Preset run-times
      • Focus app logic
  • SaaS
  • Google APIs Explorer
    • 只要是 Google 的服務基本上都會有 API

Lab 2

Module 3: Google App Engine and Google Cloud Datastore

Google App Engine

What is Google App Engine

  • Managed runtimes for specific versions of Java, Python, PHP and Go. (Standard Runtime)
  • Autoscale workloads to meet demand
  • Free daily quota, usage based pricing
  • Local SDK for development, testing and deployment
  • Need to conform to sandbox constraints
    • No writing to the local filesystem
    • Request timeouts at 60 seconds
  • 補充
    • 可以透過 version 來控管每個 service (原本叫 module,最近改叫 service 了)
    • 可以透過 split traffic 做 A/B testing
    • 有類似 rolling update 的機制
      • Deploy 新的 version 後,GAE 會自動幫你把舊版本的 instance 關掉,然後開新的版本的 instance
    • 可以讓開發者專注在發開程式,不用費心在建置環境的部份
    • 實例:
      • Snapchat
        • 用 App Engine
        • 只花流量的費用,不存圖片,超省成本。

App Engine Standard Environment

  • Managed runtimes for specific versions of Java, Python, PHP, Go.
    • 目前只支援 Python 2
  • Autoscale
  • Free daily quota, usage based pricing.
  • 原本 support 一天發 2000 封 email,但現在收回來了,現在要在 GCP 上寄信的話,統一都要使用 SendGrid,會有比較嚴格的審核,避免大量的垃圾信件。
    • AWS 也採用 SendGrid,蠻多 Cloud Platform 都把寄信的部份交給它。
  • 跟 Google 的很多服務都有滿完整的整合。
  • GAE 的設計理念是服務要愈 light weight 愈好
  • GAE 的內建服務
    • Memcache
      • 免費的會有 crash 的風險,不會幫你把 data 復原。
      • 付費的會在 crash 的時候幫你把 data 復原。
    • Taskqueues
      • 用來設計保證該 task 一定會被完成的架構
    • Scheduled tasks
      • cron.yaml
    • Blobstore
    • Search
    • Logging

App Engine Flexible Environment (GAE Managed VM)

  • 用 container 來處理
  • 沒有 sandbox 的限制
  • 可以做到支援 Python 3
  • During beta pricing based on GCE
  • Local Development relies on Docker

GAE Standard vs Flexible Environment 比較表

GAE Environments

Google Cloud Endpoints

  • Build your own API running on App Engine Standard
  • Expose your API using a RESTful interface
  • Includes support for OAuth 2.0 authorization
  • Generate client libraries
  • Supports Java and Python server-side code
  • Includes App Engine features
    • Scaling
    • Denial of service protection
    • High availability
  • Supports iOS, Android, and JavaScript
  • 補充
    • 可以自動 generate client library
    • 目前 support Java 跟 Python
    • 直接 apply GAE 的一些 feature
    • HA
    • Support iOS, Android and JavaScript clients
    • 但因為是在 GAE 上在堆疊一層,所以當量很大的時候,效能可能要注意一下

Google Cloud Datastore

  • Daily free quota
  • Database designed for application backends
  • NoSQL store for billions of rows
  • Schemaless access, no need to think about underlying data structure
  • Local development tools
  • Automatic scaling and fully managed
  • Built-in redundancy
  • Supports ACID transactions
  • RESTful API
  • Includes a free daily quota
  • Access from anywhere through a RESTful interface
  • 補充
    • 有 autoscale 的能力,會對應 GAE 的數量來去調整

Lab 3

Module 4: Google Cloud Platform Storage Options

Google Cloud Storage

  • Not a file system (but can be accessed as one via 3rd party tools such as GCS Fuse)
  • Simple administration and does not require capacity management
  • All storage options accessed through the same APIs and include client libraries
    • JSON API
    • XML API
      • 可能是因為 AWS S3 是用 XML API,所以也要跟著提供一下。
  • 補充
    • 硬碟上的資料是有做 encryption 的
    • 容器是以 bucket 為單位

Cloud Storage Classes

Cloud Storage Classes

  • Standard
  • DRA
    • 可以限制資料的區域
  • Nearline
    • 經常變動的資料不適合存在這裡,cost 會增加。
    • 比較適合拿來做 backup, archive, 長久性不太會變動的資料。
  • 這 3 個 classes 存取的 API 是相同的

Cloud Storage Features

Cloud Storage Features

Cloud Storage Integration

  • BigQuery
    • Import and export tables
  • Compute Engine
    • Startup scripts, images and general object storage
  • App Engine
    • Object storage, logs, Datastore backup
    • App Engine 本身不能存資料,但可以存在 Cloud Storage 和 Datastore
  • Cloud SQL
    • Import and export tables
  • 可以拿來直接 serve static websites.

Google Cloud Bigtable

  • NoSQL database service for large-workload applications (Terabytes to Petabytes)
    • 不便宜
      • 貴在 Node 執行時間的收費,目前是 $1.95 USD/hour per node
      • 最少必須開 3 個 node
    • 是儲存在 SSD 上
      • 最近開始可以選擇儲存在普通硬碟上了,Storage 的費用會降低大概十倍。
  • Protected
    • Replicated storage
    • Data encryption in-flight and at rest
    • Role-based ACLs
  • Proven
    • Gmail and Google Analytics
  • 補充
    • 高 IO, 可在最短的時間內查到最多的資料
    • Gmail 和 Google Analytics 的背後也是用 Bigtable
    • 很多做股票交易的也是用 Bigtable
    • 很貴但反應快
    • 主要是為了取代 HBase

Google Cloud SQL

  • Google-managed MySQL
  • Pay-per-use model
  • REST API for management
  • Affordability and performance
    • 有 class 可以選擇,視需求可以調整
  • Google security
  • Vertical scaling (read and write)
  • Horizontal scaling (read)
  • Seamless integratin with GAE and GCE
  • 補充
    • 第一代的 performance 不是那麼好
    • 第二代則是選擇 run 在 container 上
    • 所有要連線來的 IP 都需要經過 white list
      • 有個例外是 App Engine,可以直接連線,不會被白名單限制。
      • 可以設定讓 Cloud SQL 綁定 GAE,讓它開在跟 GAE 同個 region,用來降低 Latency
    • 七天一個 cycle 的 backup

Cloud SQL Features

  • Familiar with MySQL
  • Flexible pricing
  • Google Security
  • Managed backups
  • Automatic replication
    • master-slave
    • 自動化 replication
    • 一個 instance 掛掉的話,會有 downtime 但會再開另外一個 instance 去接替,有基本的 HA 功能。
  • 支援 SSL 的 connection

Cloud SQL Second Generation

  • Same features as first generation with higher performance, storage capacity at lower cost.
    • Up to 7X throughput and 20X sotrage capacity of first generation instances
    • Less expensive than first generation for most use cases.
  • 補充
    • 如果想要開比較小的 DB 的話可以考慮用 2nd generation,性價比會比較高。
    • 如果是要用很大的 DB 的話,建議用 1st generation 讓 Google 幫忙管理會比較好。

Comparing Storage Options

Comparing Storage Options

Lab 4

Module 5: Google Container Engine (GKE)

What is a Container

  • Virtualization at the operating system layer
  • Separates operating system from application code and dependencies
  • Isolates individual processes
  • Popular implementations include Docker and rkt
    • k8s 目前支援這兩種格式的 Container
  • OS => Shared Libraries => Contianer
    • 安全性問題
      • 會不會影響到別的 Container
      • 把 kernel 弄爛了的話,別的 Container 也會一起爛掉。

Why Use Container?

  • Support consistency across development, testing, and production environments
  • Loose coupling between application and operating system layers
  • Much simpler to migrate workloads between on premises and cloud environments
  • Support agile development and operations

Kubernetes (k8s)

Features of k8s

  • Workload portability
    • Run in many environments, across cloud providers
    • Implementation is open and modular
  • Rolling updates
    • Upgrade application with zero downtime
  • Autoscaling
    • Automatically adapt to changes in workload
  • Persistent storage
    • Abstracts details of how storage is provided from how it is consumed
    • 有支援 MySQL Cluster
  • Multi-zone clusters
    • Run a single cluster in multiple zones
    • Alpha on Google Cloud Platform
  • Load balancing
    • External IP address routes traffic to correct port
    • Google 會幫你偵測機器的狀態,在機器死掉的時候幫你做 Migration

Google Cloud Container Engine (GKE)

  • Based on open source Kubernetes(k8s) orchestration system
  • Orchestrate and schedule Docker containers
  • Consumes Compute Engine instances and resources
  • Uses a declarative syntax to manage applications
    • JSON, YAML
  • Decouple operational and development concerns
  • Manages and maintains
    • Logging
    • Health management
    • Monitoring
    • Scaling
  • 補充
    • 不只在 GCP 可以用,AWS 或是自己架都可以,因為是 Based on Open Source 的 k8s
    • 可以執行很多 Container,彼此可以透過 k8s 達到 HA
    • 目前的費用是算在 Compute Engine 上,因為實際還是開 GCE 然後在上面 run containers
    • 目前以 GCE 的收費方式計價
    • Google Cloud Container Builder
      • Create Docker container images from app code in Google Cloud Storage
    • Google Container Registry
      • Secure, private Docker image storage

        沒記錯的話 images 是存在 Cloud Storage 上

    • https://cloud.docker.com/

Lab 5

Module 6: Google Compute Engine and Networking

Google Compute Engine

  • Run large-csale workloads on virtual machines hosted on Google's infrastructure
  • Robust networking features
    • 可以拿來做 MySQL cluster load balancer
  • Instance metadata and startup scripts
    • 每個 instance 會有 global 的 metadata 和各自的 metadata
    • startup script 也是放在 metadata 去做描述
  • Persistent disk snapshots
  • High CPU, high memory, standard and shared-core machine types
  • HTTP and network load balancing
    • 可以針對 Load Balancer 做個別的設定,會比 AWS 簡單。
  • Advanced APIs for auto-scaling and group management
  • Innovative pricing
    • per minute billing, sustained use discounts
    • Preemptible instances
    • High throughput to storage at no extra cost
    • Custom machine types - Only pay for the hardware you need
  • 補充
    • Google 用 KVM 來實作這部份
    • 可以在兩分多鐘內就開啟 1000 台機器
      • 壓力測試跑了大概一個多小時,最後收到帳單大概是 500 美金左右。
    • 硬碟必須至少要 200 GB 才會有一般的 performance, < 200 GB 的話會比較慢。
    • 目前看到比較多的是拿來當 Load Balancer
    • 目前 Load Balancer 使用 BSD 是會有問題的,因為缺少某些 Linux 才有的 Libraries。

Google Cloud Networking

Google Cloud Interconnect

  • Carrier Interconnect
  • Direct Peering
    • 需要有第 2 類電信執照才能申請
    • Connect your business directly to Google
    • 所有流量的費用打對折,速度會更快,適合擁有 Data Center 的公司申請。

Google Cloud VPN

  • Secure connection over the Internet
  • Securely connect your network to Google Cloud Platform using IPsec VPN connection
  • Encrypts traffic over the Internet
  • Google Cloud Router supports dynamic routing between Google Cloud Platform and your network

Google Cloud DNS

  • Highly available and scalable DNS
  • Translates domain names into IP addresses
  • Create managed zones, then add, edit, delete DNS records
  • Programmatically manage zones and records using RESTful API or command- line interface

Google Cloud Load Balancing

  • HTTP(s) load balancing
  • Balance HTTP-based traffic across multiple Compute Engine regions
  • Global, external IP address routes traffic
  • Scalable, requires no pre-warming and provides resilience, fault tolerance
  • TCP/SSL and UDP (network) load balancing
    • Spread TCP/SSL and UDP traffic over pool of instances within a Compute Engine region
    • Ensures only healthy instances handle traffic
    • Scalable, requires no pre-warming
  • 補充
    • Global
      • 可以在不同的 region 建 load balancer
    • HTTP(S) load balancing
    • Network load balancing
      • 支援 Auto scaling
      • 可以設定 protocol 跟 port
    • 可以選擇 client IP + Protocol 的規則,看要導到哪台 Load Balancer
    • 有隱藏 CDN 的功能,可以把 CDN 的功能打開。

Operations and Tools

Google Stackdriver

  • Integrated monitoring, logging, diagnostics
  • Works across Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services
  • Open source agents, integration
  • Powerful data, analytics tools
  • Collaborations with PagerDuty, BMC, Splunk, others
  • 補充
    • 可以針對條件去設定 alert

Cloud Monitoring

  • 可以監控各種項目
  • 可以自訂要監控哪些部份
  • 可以和第三方應用程式銜接

Cloud Logging

  • 可以幫你很輕鬆的檢視不同機器的 log
  • Log 線上保留三十天
  • 支援 Export,讓你可以自己處理 Log

Google Cloud Deployment Manager

  • Infrastructure management service
  • Create a .yaml template describing your environment and use Deployment Manager to create resources
  • Provides repeatable deployments
  • 補充
    • 有點類似 Ansible 和 Chef

Google Cloud Source Repositories

  • Fully-featured Git repositories hosted on Google Cloud Platform
  • Supports collaborative development of cloud apps
  • Includes:
    • Source code editor
    • Integration with Stackdriver debugger

Google Cloud Functions

  • Create single-purpose functions that respond to events without a server or runtime
    • Event examples: New instance created, file added to Cloud Storage
  • Written in Javascript, execute in managed Node.js environment on Google Cloud Platform

Lab 6

Module 7: Big Data and Machine Learning

Big Data Services

  • Fully managed, No-Ops Services
  • BigQuery
    • 一個 column 就儲存一個 object,不是存 row。(column based)
      • 不要下 select *,會很慢,而且很貴,因為會對 process 的資料量收費。
    • 每次 query 就透過 mapreduce 去做 macthing
    • 可以透過 SQL-like 的語法(GQL)去查詢 big data
    • Apache drill
  • Pub/Sub
    • 建立一個 big data 用的 queue
    • 比較常用的案例是 IoT
    • 可搭配 dataflow 作 big data 的運算
  • Dataflow
    • 幫你整理資料
  • Dataproc

Big Data

Google BigQuery

  • Fully-managed analytics data warehouse
    • provides a service for near real-time interactive analysis of massive datasets (hundreds of TBs)
  • Query using a SQL-like syntax (GQL)
  • Only pay for storage, processing used
  • Zero administration for performance and scale
  • Supports open standads
  • 補充
    • 當作 storage 和 analyze 的工具
    • 類似 Cassandra
    • Column-based
    • 1 TB 的資料大概花 6 秒就可以 scan 完
    • 一次會幫你開很多機器去做運算,最後吐回一個結果給你
    • 切忌用 select *
    • 有 dry run 可以先告訴你這個 Query 下下去會花多少錢

Google Cloud Pub/Sub

  • Scalable and reliable messaging for Google Cloud Platform and beyond
  • Supports many-to-many asynchronous messaging
  • Includes support for offline consumers
  • Based on proven Google technologies
  • Integrates with Cloud Dataflow for data processing pipelines
  • Uses push/pull subscriptions to topics
  • Use cases:
    • Building block for data ingestion in Dataflow, Internet of Things (IoT), Marketing Analytics
    • Foundation for Dataflow streaming
    • Push notifications for cloud-based applications
    • Connect applications across Google Cloud Platform (push/pull between Compute Engine and App Engine)

Google Cloud Dataflow

  • Managed service for executing scalable and reliable data pipelines
  • Write code once and get batch and streaming
    • Transform-based programming model
  • Clusters are sized for you
  • Processes data using Compute Engine instances
  • Integrates with GCP services like Cloud Storage, Cloud Pub/Sub, BigQuery, Bigtable
  • Open source Java and Python SDKs
  • Use cases:
    • ETL (extract/transform/load) pipelines to move, filter, enrich, shape data
    • Data analysis - batch computation or continuous computation using streaming
    • Orchestration - create pipelines that coordinate services, including external services
      • 可以很容易的和其他服務整合

Google Cloud Dataproc

  • Fast, easy, managed way to run Hadoop and Spark/Hive/Pig on Google Cloud Platform
  • Benefit from cloud integration
    • Cloud Storage
    • Stackdriver
  • Customize and configure clusters using initialization actions
  • Create clusters in 90 sec or less
  • Dataproc clusters billed minute-by-minute
    • Save money using preemptible instances for batch processing
  • Scale clusters up and down even when jobs are running
  • Developer tools
    • RESTful API
    • Integration with Google Cloud SDK
  • Use cases:
    • Easily migrate on-premises Hadoop jobs to the cloud
    • Quickly analyze data (like log data) stored in Cloud Storage - create a cluster in less than 2 minutes then delete it immediately
    • Use Spark/Spark SQL to quickly to perform data mining and analysis
      • Spark SQL 可以讓你比較好操控資料
    • Use Spark Machine Learning Libraries (MLlib) to run classification algorithms
      • Spark 最強的部份就是 MLlib,但之後可能會被 Google 推出的 TensorFlow API 取代掉也不一定
  • 補充
    • Cluster
    • HDFS work node
    • 完整的 Hadoop 類型服務
    • 可以在 WebUI 上面選擇 node 數目
    • 要自己寫 mapreduce
    • 支援直接撈 Cloud Storage 的資料,甚至可以把資料送到 BigQuery
    • create cluster 後要 submit job,只要寫好 mapreduce 和 jar 檔,就可以直接幫你處理資料

Google Cloud Datalab

  • Interactive tool for large-scale data exploration, transformation, analysis, visualization
  • Analyze data in BigQuery, Compute Engine, and Cloud Storage using Python, SQL, and JavaScript
  • Easily deploy transformation, analysis models to BigQuery
  • Integrated, open source
    • Runs on Google App Engine
    • Built on Jupyter (formerly IPython)
    • Use Google Charts or matplotlib for easy visualizations
  • Code, documentation, results, visualizations in intuitive notebook format
  • 補充
    • 可以透過 Google 去銜接很多 Datasource,可以做整合,例如匯出報表。
    • 有支援 BigQuery, Cloud Dataflow,可以利用他們去做分析
    • 用法跟 Jupyter Notebook 差不多
    • 是使用 Managed VM 來用 Datalab,該 VM 會裝一些套件,然後透過 GAE 去操作。
      • 安裝好後會變成 GAE 裡頭的其中一個 service

Machine Learning (Google Cloud ML)

  • Vision API
  • Speech API
  • Translate API
  • Prediction API
  • Google Cloud Machine Learning Use Cases
    • Structured Data
      • Classification / Regression
        • Customer churn analysis
        • Product diagnostics
        • Forecasting
      • Recommendation
        • Content personalization
        • Product X-sells/up-sells
      • Anomaly Detection
        • Fraud detection
        • Asset sensor diagnostics
        • Log metric anomalies
    • Unstructured Data
      • Image Analytics
        • Identify damaged shipments
        • Explicit content classification
        • Identify “styles” in images
      • Text Analytics
        • Call center log analysis
        • Language identification
        • Topic classification
      • Sentiment analysis

Lab 7


  • 一個帳號可以管理的 Project 上限是多少?
  • GAE serving static 不用開 instance?
  • Project migration 的建議
  • Bigtable 和 BigQuery 的主要差異
  • GKE 的 MySQL cluster
  • GAE 的 Front-end instances 跟 Back-end instances 的差別

然後 Facebook 又是個黑洞,很難找之前的發文內容,
實在不太喜歡拿 Facebook 來問問題。
所以可能就自己 Google 、親自實驗或之後有機會再在 GCPUG.tw 當面問吧


有種吃了 GCP 大還丹的感覺,需要時間消化。
能夠在上班時間來 Google Taipei 上課實在太棒了!
謝謝同事 Finley 一直被我煩被我問問題 XD
感謝老闆 Teddy,也感謝辛苦的講師 Simon。



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