Collection for Y2016W50 (2016-12-12 Mon 00:00:00 +0800 ~ 2016-12-19 Mon 00:00:00 +0800)
- xbacklight not working on Dell Inspiron laptop
- 遇到這個問題
RANDR Query Version returned error -1
- 忘記當時到底有沒有解掉了
- 遇到這個問題
- Changing remote repository for a git submodule - Stack Overflow
- edit the .gitmodules file to update the URL
- run
git submodule sync
to reflect that change to the superproject and your working copy.
- Git Merge 2017: the full agenda is now live · GitHub
- GitHub 舉辦的跟 Git 有關的年會
- Publishing with GitHub Pages, now as easy as 1, 2, 3 · GitHub
- 現在只要一個 Markdown 就可以有 GitHub Pages
- 就可以當首頁了
- Protected branches and required status checks · GitHub
- ... 剛剛才知道 GitHub 有這個功能可以設定
- 是否該來幫公司的 repo 設定一下
- 可以設定禁止 force push
- 可以限制要通過 CI test, 要至少有人 approve pull request 才能 merge
- 沒記錯的話可以針對不同 branch 做設定,所以如果是用 git branching model 的也適用。
- RainbowEngineer/taiwan_love_wins: 資訊界連署挺同婚
- 資訊界連署挺同婚 我們是一群支持修正民法 972 的資訊人。
- Resolve simple merge conflicts on GitHub
You can now resolve simple merge conflicts on GitHub right from your pull requests, saving you a trip to the command line and helping your team merge pull requests faster.
- 現在 GitHub 有 web 介面可以解決在 merge 的時候簡單的 conflict,複雜的還是得自己改就是。
- 不過試用了一下,覺得沒有很喜歡,所以可能還是會在 local 用 CLI 改。
- Introducing review requests
You can now request a review explicitly from collaborators, making it easier to specify who you'd like to review your pull request.
- GitHub 加入了 review request 的功能,可以指定特定的人 review pull request
- seetaface/SeetaFaceEngine
SeetaFace Engine is an open source C++ face recognition engine, which can run on CPU with no third-party dependence.
- 目前在 CMU 唸研究所的強者大學同學的面試經驗
- The Kernel Swap Daemon (kswapd)
The name swap daemon is a bit of a misnomer as the daemon does more than just swap modified pages out to the swap file. Its task is to keep the memory management system operating efficiently.
- 趙一穎 - 身為一個不會寫程式的資工系學生,壓力真大。...
- 優質反串文,只好收藏一下。
- ruby - what does ~> mean in gemspec dependencies? - Stack Overflow
~> 3.0.3 means that when you bundle install, you’ll get the highest-released gem version of rails between the range >= 3.0.3 and < 3.1.
- 可能是在 debug travis-ci/dpl 的時候,在 Gemfile 裡頭看到不知道是啥而查的。
- New Scheme: Spread Popcorn Time Ransomware, get chance of free Decryption Key
- 想恢復檔案的話
- 可以選擇支付一個比特幣
- 或是讓另外兩個人也中這個勒索軟體
- 這根本 Black Mirror 的劇本吧?
- 如果最後是告訴你恢復不了檔案還送你個 TrollFace 的話
- Amazon Go 未來實體商店的影片 - Tsung's Blog
- 要是真的做出來的話真的很酷,目前還只是概念影片而已,不過以 Amazon 打算自己把整個由上到下的產業鍊吃下來的動作來看,應該是挺有可能的。
- 主要是在查為什麼 web 的 tracing arguments 都要用 "utm" 開頭
- UTM 的全名是 "Urchin Tracking Module"
- Urchin 是間公司的名稱,這間公司做了一個同名軟體,用於網頁統計分析,而這間公司後來被 Google 買下來,將 Urchin 這個軟體繼續開發,成為現在的 Google Analytics
- utm 就是當時的參數,保留至今。
- 參考連結
- Urchin (software) - Wikipedia
Urchin was a web statistics analysis program developed by Urchin Software Corporation. It was used to analyze web server log file content and display the traffic information on that website based upon the log data.
- Urchin Tracking Module (UTM) - Urchin Help
The patent-pending Urchin Traffic Monitor (UTM) available in Urchin 4 was specifically designed to provide the most accurate measurements of unique website visitors.
- What Are UTM Codes and How Do You Use Them?
UTM Codes are a great way to see the results of your offline marketing. In today’s day and age, we are hit with so many types of marketing and advertising that we may not even notice all of them.
- Urchin (software) - Wikipedia
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