Note for

Speaker: Simen@sivann

前半段是 IoT Development 相關
後半段則是 JavaScript Web development 和 Node.js 開發大全

Google Weave

Android Things (Brillo)

  • 專為 IoT 設計的 OS
  • 35 MB RAM

Apple HomeKit

  • 體系相對封閉
  • 語音助手 (Siri)
  • 認証: MFi

HomeKit API
HomeKit Accessory Protocol (HAP)

Eclipse IoT Working Group

  • Open Source and Open Standards for IoT
    • New and Existing Devices
    • IoT Gateways
    • Network Carriers
    • Backend Systems
  • IoT Suite
    • oneM2M: REST interface
    • OMA LWM2M Server - Leshan
    • Gateway stack - Kura
    • CoAP - Californium (Java)
    • MQTT - Mosquitto/Paho
      • Paho 提供了不同語言實作的 MQTT client
        • 有 C++, Java, JavaScript ...
    • MQTTSN (Eclipse 自己設計的)

Kura - IoT Gateway Stack/ App Framework

  • Edge Nodes (clients, 連網的裝置)
    • Local Automation
  • M2M Integration Platform
  • Enterprise Interfaces
    • Business Applications (Mobile Apps, Web Apps, ...)

Web Of Things

Google Physical Web

IoT Platform

Front-end and Back-end

  • Web Front-end
    • Web 1.0
      • F5 刷新
    • Web 2.0+
    • MVP (Web 2.0+)
      • 代表性的案例:jQuery
    • MVVM (Framework)
      • V (user), VM (framework), M <---client-side-----------server-side---> M
      • server 一有資料更新就會 push 過來或是背後會一直去跟 server 要資料,所以使用者端會覺得資料是即時的
    • React.js
      • 使用 JavaScript (JSX) 撰寫 View (React)
      • Virtual DOM
      • Controller View = View + State Machine + Controller
      • 單向數據流架構化 (Flux)
      • 單一數據源、狀態大總管 (Redux)
  • Web Back-end (JavaScript related)
    • Package Manager
    • Task Runner
      • grunt, gulp, npm, webpack
    • Pre-compiler Transpiler
    • Linter
    • Utils
    • Bundler
      • webpack, RequireJS (AMD), Browserify (CommonJS)
    • Dev Server
      • uglify, watchify


  • Server-side, JS runtime
  • Async I/O - libuv
  • Concurrenty - Event Loop
    • timers
    • I/O callbacks
    • idle, prepare
    • poll
    • check
    • close callbacks
  • 除錯工具
    • 原生除錯工具
      • break;
      • $ node debug app.js # c, n, s, o
    • 第三方工具
      • node-inspector
        • $ node-debug app.js
      • iron-node
        • $ iron-node app.js
      • devtool
        • $ devtool app.js
    • IDE 內建的除錯模組
  • 除錯訊息與日誌 (Logging)
    • stdout / stderr [+ pipe][+ redirect]
      • console.log();
      • console.error();
    • 第三方模組
      • $ npm install debug --save, $ DEBUG=namespace node app.js
      • $ npm install winston --save, $ node app.js
      • $ npm install bunyan --save, $ node app.js | bunyan [opts]
      • $ npm install pino --save, $ node app.js | pino-<xxx>
        • 號稱 Node.js 的 logging module 裡頭速度最快的
      • intel, log4js, loggly, bole
  • 測試框架/工具
    • Hosted CI Services
      • Travis CI, Circle CI, GitLab Ci, wercker, codeship
    • Test Framework
      • mocha, jasmie-node, tape, tap
    • Assertions
      • assert, should, expect, chai
    • Test Double
      • sinon.js
    • Code Coverage
      • istanbul, JSCover, blanket.js


  • Network Topology
  • 依區域範疇劃分
    • Near Field
      • < 10 cm
      • NFC Forum
    • PAN
      • 1m ~ 50m
      • Bluetooth, ZigBee, Thread, IEEE 802.15.4
    • LAN
      • 50m ~ 1km
      • Wi-Fi, Ethernet
    • (LP)WAN
  • 常見 PAN/WAN 之特性
    • EnOcean
    • ZigBee
    • Thread
    • BLE
    • WiFi



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