Collection for Y2017W12 (2017-03-20 Mon 00:00:00 +0800 ~ 2017-03-27 Mon 00:00:00 +0800)
- 修正 Arch Linux locale 無法 generate 以及 tmux mosh 出現錯誤 | louie_lu's blog
- 忘記把
的註解拿掉,我好像也有這樣耍笨過一次。 XD
- 忘記把
- 清大彭明輝的部落格: 日本人還會像二戰時那麼殘忍嗎?
- 被洗腦是關鍵呢
- Distribution 散佈版 vs Release 發行(版)
- 還真沒仔細想過作業系統的版本在這個詞上的差異
- 技术的热门度曲线 - 阮一峰的网络日志
- 分成四期呀
- 科技圈的創業風向好像可以直接套用這張圖呢
- 2016開卷記錄 › 網絡暴民 Jacky's Blog
- 好猛
- 56 本
- 而且每本應該都有很詳細的讀書心得…
- 波納佩島意外之旅(二) - BYVoid
- 小島遊記真的好有趣呀
- mcinglis/c-style: My favorite C programming practices.
These are my favorite C programming practices. Some rules are as trivial as style, while others are more intricate. I follow a few rules religiously, and others I use as a guideline.
- 看 jserv 的直播看到的
- Beautiful Native Libraries | Armin Ronacher's Thoughts and Writings
I'm obsessed with nice APIs. Not just APIs however, also in making the overall experience of using a library as good as possible.
- 看 jserv 的直播看到的
- 5 Tips Messenger Bot Devs Need to Know
- 最近都在弄 Facebook Messenger Bot,這篇算是看到以後覺得比較有用的。
- GitHub - spchuang/fb-local-chat-bot: Simple Node client for Messenger Bot designed for easy local testing
Testing your Messenger Bot apps is a pain in the ass - you need to setup ngrok to tunnel to your server (what happens when multiple people work on it?) and writing unit tests are not intuitive.
- 的確沒有 local messenger bot client 可以測試真的挺麻煩的,不過這個我認真看了一下還是不太知道怎麼架就是。而且 Messenger Bot 版本變動很快,這個看起來沒一起更新的這麼快。
- Stacer – 漂亮的系統優化器,比htop還美 – MONISAN'S WORLD
- 好像不錯
- 有空裝來用用看好了
- ftrace: trace your kernel functions! - Julia Evans
- 關於
- 關於
- PacVis: 可視化 pacman 本地數據庫 - Farseerfc的小窩
- 酷耶,把 pacman 套件的相依性視覺化。
- 後來才突然想起來以前好像就有看過,只是沒記起來。
- PyPy Status Blog: PyPy2.7 and PyPy3.5 v5.7 - two in one release
- 用程式自動同步字幕與聲音 | Gea-Suan Lin's BLOG
- 每個人都說字幕組以後上字幕不用這麼辛苦對字幕了。
- GitHub - readbeyond/aeneas: aeneas is a Python/C library and a set of tools to automagically synchronize audio and text (aka forced alignment)
aeneas automatically generates a synchronization map between a list of text fragments and an audio file containing the narration of the text. In computer science this task is known as (automatically computing a) forced alignment. aeneas has been developed and tested on Debian 64bit, with Python 2.
- GitHub - hungys/RamboBoxGen: A utility for generating Rambo-style Box Score for NBA games, with ANSI color highlighting optimized for Ptt BBS.
- 抓 NBA 的資料生成專門給給批踢踢 NBA 板看的資訊
- How Medium does progressive image loading - JMPerez Blog
Recently, I was browsing a post on Medium and I spotted a nice image loading effect. First, load a small blurry image, and then transition to the large image. I found it pretty neat and wanted to dissect how it was done.
- Web Front-end 的神奇魔法呀
- 臺灣閩南語常用詞辭典
- 「未食五日節粽,破裘毋甘放。」
- 金融卡、信用卡 冷知識整理 | Henry的筆記集散地
- 真的沒看這篇之前都不知道這些東西呢
如果覺得這篇文章對你有幫助, 除了留言讓我知道外, 或許也可以考慮請我喝杯咖啡, 不論金額多寡我都會非常感激且能鼓勵我繼續寫出對你有幫助的文章。
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