Collection for Y2017W21 (2017-05-22 Mon 00:00:00 +0800 ~ 2017-05-29 Mon 00:00:00 +0800)
alpha go
- The Future of Go Summit, Match One: Ke Jie & AlphaGo - YouTube
- 圖靈測試 (誒
- 揭秘新版 AlphaGo,為什麼它能戰勝柯潔? - INSIDE 硬塞的網路趨勢觀察
- 雖然只有 1/4 子,但前天 AlphaGo 在對戰柯潔時那種游刃有餘,穩扎穩打的作風已然顯示出其強大的實力。
- 柯潔為何說「輸得沒脾氣」?8 個問題解讀人機大戰第一局 - INSIDE 硬塞的網路趨勢觀察
- 經過四個多小時的對弈,柯潔以四分之一子之差敗給了 AlphaGo。
- bitcoin.pdf
- 比特幣背後的經濟哲學 – Ben Z.W. Jian – Medium
- bitcoin/bitcoin: Bitcoin Core integration/staging tree
- 區塊鏈如何運作? – Ben Z.W. Jian – Medium
這篇文翻譯自”How Does the Blockchain Work?”全文。作者Michele D'Aliessi用淺白易懂的文字闡述比特幣(Bitcoin)和區塊鏈(Blockchain)的運作原理,是一篇很棒的入門文章,因此我決定挑戰翻譯看看,讓更多人了解這個技術。
- 比特幣、以太坊的一些問題介紹(二) – NIC Lin – Medium
- 比特幣、以太坊的一些問題介紹(一) – NIC Lin – Medium
- 以太坊 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
- Google Internship, J-1 Visa, NCTU
- 光看就覺得好麻煩啊..
- 如何用 Google Tag Manager 打造免費的 Data Collection x Streaming Data 架構
- 從剛進來的時候敝公司就是這樣做了,不過有沒有能力整理成這樣的文章,好像又是另外一回事哩 。
- Dockerfile: ADD vs COPY - CenturyLink Cloud Developer Center
This blog post will help you understand the differences between two similar Dockerfile instructions – ADD and COPY – how they became what they are today, and our recommendation on which instruction you should use. (Hint: It's not ADD)
- GitHub - kkdai/bookmark-makerserver: A IFTTT MakerServer to help you post your tweet to github issue as a bookmark
"Bookmark Maker Server" is a webhook service help you using IFTTT to forward your tweet to your github issue as a bookmark. Result on kkdai/bookmarks, feel free to take a loook. Here is the step, how to use this without writing any code.
- stretchr/testify: A sacred extension to the standard go testing package
Go code (golang) set of packages that provide many tools for testifying that your code will behave as you intend. The assert package provides some helpful methods that allow you to write better test code in Go.
- 量產型炮灰工程師 ‧ Ruby China
- 嗯,某神跑去中國開課之後,也開始被發現真面目啦,有種在台灣就看過的 Deja Vu。
- QQuick/Opy: Obfuscator for Python
- The famous Phaistos Disc from Crete, obfuscation unbroken after thousands of years. Opy will obfuscate your extensive, real world, multi module Python source code for free! And YOU choose per project what to obfuscate and what not, by editing the config file:
- GitHub - liftoff/pyminifier: Pyminifier is a Python code minifier, obfuscator, and compressor.
- When you install pyminifier it should automatically add a 'pyminifier' executable to your $PATH. This executable has a number of command line arguments: This reduced the size of from 1358 bytes to 640 bytes. Not bad!
- It's Insanely Easy to Bypass Samsung Galaxy S8 Iris Scanner with a Photo
- 德國 CCC 的傑作 LOL
- 給照片戴隱形眼鏡 XD
- Hacked in Translation - from Subtitles to Complete Takeover | Check Point Blog
- Check Point researchers revealed a new attack vector which threatens millions of users worldwide – attack by subtitles.
- Medicean/VulApps: 快速搭建各种漏洞环境(Various vulnerability environment)
- 收集各种漏洞环境,为方便使用,统一采用 Dockerfile 形式。同时也收集了安全工具环境。 需要查看相关环境的 tag 在Github具体的漏洞目录下查看 README 文件
- Security: *bleed continues: 18 byte file, $14k bounty, for leaking private Yahoo! Mail images
- *bleed attacks are hot right now. Most notably, there's been Heartbleed and Cloudbleed. In both cases, out-of-bounds reads in server side code resulted in private server memory content being returned to clients.
- Building a botnet on PyPi – Hacker Noon
At a London python dojo in October last year, we discovered that PyPi allows packages to be registered with builtin module names. So what? you might ask. Who would pip install a system package? Well the story goes something like this:
- Botnet 真的是在各種地方都可以放
- debian wheezy - What is status_of_proc, and how do I call it? - Server Fault
- This code runs just fine and sudo service nginx status outputs [ ok ] nginx is running. Yet status_of_proc is not defined in bash, neither in dash: Yet inserting the same function call into an init script made by myself returned that the function was undefined.
- Vim 上 8.0, Vundle 換 vim-plug | ws://
- Stack Overflow: Helping One Million Developers Exit Vim - Stack Overflow Blog
- You’re not alone, jclancy. In the five years since this question was asked, there have been over a million other developers who got stuck in Vim and couldn’t escape without a bit of help. Indeed, the difficulty of quitting the Vim editor is a common joke among developers.
- 2017臺北世大運-TAIPEI IN MOTION - YouTube
- 這宣傳影片拍的超酷
- 用 MSX 學寫 BASIC 的女高中生,與親切的陌生大叔們 - Fugu Café|未來復古
- 網路真是個神奇的地方
- VoDLocker API - a free web service to obtain video information
- 直接用 IMDB 番號(?) 就可以自動找到影片和字幕直接看
- Now Anyone Can Embed a Pirate Movie in a Website - TorrentFreak
- is offering an interesting service that not only provides streaming movies and TV shows in the browser but also allows them to be published anywhere on the web.
- 猴子都能懂的超簡單圍棋教學-入門篇 │ 畫越天際
- 不會圍棋,只好看一下教學。
- 椎間盤突出症及其相關手術
超過百分之八十的成年國人有下背疼痛的經驗,大多數是因姿勢不良或過度勞累造成 肌肉緊繃,或肌腱發炎,經過姿勢矯正、休養及藥物治療, 95% 左右的患者都可以獲得改善。然而也有一些患者卻有持續性的下背疼痛
- 新詐騙手法,未顯示來電不要亂接,小心有詐! - Dcard
- 【文長注意】 新詐騙手法,詐騙集團利用未顯示號碼撥打電話,如果手機被接聽就會用於做詐騙人頭的聯絡號碼。 未顯示來電不要亂接,到時候就等著接詐騙受害者的騷擾電話吧(尤其受害者如果比較不聰明,還會堅持
- 張哲生 - Posts
原來接了之後就立刻掛斷的來電,是為了確認電話號碼是否利於推銷的「洗電話號碼」伎倆! 據悉,「洗電話號碼」是使用電腦程式以流水號自動進行,因此就算是半夜也可能會打給你,只要一接通就立刻斷線以節省話費,而且即使來電有顯示號碼,你回撥該號碼也不會通。 一旦你接了「洗電話」的來電,對方便能確定你的電話號碼為有人使用的可騷擾對象,而且得知你是願意接不明來電的人,也就是說,打給你的接通率比較高。於是,過沒多久,你就會開始接到一通又一通的行銷電話了。
- 不明來電就別接了吧
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