Collection for Y2017W29 (2017-07-17 Mon 00:00:00 +0800 ~ 2017-07-24 Mon 00:00:00 +0800)
digital currency
- 亂數夠不夠亂 – mingderwang – Medium
原本是想在台大駭客松期間, 找出虛擬幣電子錢包是否能產生夠亂的 seed 來生成新帳號. 但這個題目並沒得到團隊內部的認同, 只好把它寫成文章跟大家一起探討.
- GitHub - go-python/gopy: gopy generates a CPython extension module from a go package.
WARNING gopy is currently not compatible with Go>=1.6 and its improved CGo rules as documented in cmd/cgo. You will need Go >= 1.5.
machine learning
- Dylan Beattie 🇪🇺 on Twitter: "One of the biggest challenges with centralized logging is establishing consensus about what log levels actually mean. Here's a quick primer."
One of the biggest challenges with centralized logging is establishing consensus about what log levels actually mean. Here's a quick primer.
- GitHub - mlouielu/raises-stackoverflow: Raises' in the source code, all's right with the Stack Overflow
Raises Stack Overflow Raises' in your source code, all's right with the Stack Overflow Install Please use pip to install raises $ pip install raises How to use? Is easy to use raises in your daily work, to help you find out raises error's answer on Stack Overflow, simply import raises to your cod
- takluyver/flit: Simplified packaging of Python modules
Flit is a simple way to put Python packages and modules on PyPI. Say you're writing a module foobar—either as a single file, or as a directory—and you want to distribute it.
- GitHub - pybee/ouroboros: A standalone, pure Python implementation of the Python Standard Library.
Documentation for Ouroboros can be found on Read The Docs. Ouroboros is part of the BeeWare suite. You can talk to the community through:
- dictionary - Python - List of unique dictionaries - Stack Overflow
Can anyone help me with the most efficient way to achieve this in Python? So make a temporary dict with the key being the id. This filters out the duplicates. The values() of the dict will be the list
- python - Avoiding nested for loops - Stack Overflow
I am trying to do some parameter testing on another code using python. I need to test 6 independent parameters, but I need all of the possible combinations of them. Each parameter has a minimum, a maximum, and a step value that needs to be passed to it.
- 天興搬家公司 與 崔媽媽基金會 - Zeroplex 生活隨筆
- 原來崔媽媽基金會有做這麼多事呀
- 沃草→你是戒嚴時代的誰呢?←
- 一個個都是冤死的人啊
- 看 Mythbusters S05E01 才知道原來日本機關王比賽那種裝置在英文有個專有的名稱叫做 Rube Goldberg Machine
- RSVP (invitations) - Wikipedia
- 原來 RSVP 是法文來的
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