Collection for Y2017W30 (2017-07-24 Mon 00:00:00 +0800 ~ 2017-07-31 Mon 00:00:00 +0800)
- shell - Take a full page screenshot with Firefox - Stack Overflow
- 才知道原來 Firefox 內建網頁截圖工具
- SUPPORT file support · GitHub
- 繼 CONTRIBUTING 之後,#GitHub 也把 SUPPORT 的部分從 Readme 獨立出來了
- Linux 各網路界面對 DNS Server 查詢的狀態 - Tsung's Blog
systemd-resolve --status
machine learning
- 如何用 Python 从海量文本抽取主题?
- Improving the Realism of Synthetic Images - Apple
Most successful examples of neural nets today are trained with supervision. However, to achieve high accuracy, the training sets need to be large, diverse, and accurately annotated, which is costly. An alternative to labelling huge amounts of data is to use synthetic images from a simulator.
- Data Modeling for NoSQL
Upcoming SlideShare Loading in …5 × Data Modeling for NoSQL 1. Data Modeling for NoSQL Tony Tam @fehguy 2. Data Modeling? Smart Modeling makesNoSQL work 3.
- NoSQL Now! NoSQL Architecture Patterns
The NoSQL movement has introduced four new database architectural patterns that complement, but not replace, traditional relational and analytical databases. This presentation will introduce these ...
- best practices for NoSQL database design - Software Engineering Stack Exchange
Normalization in RDBMS allows you to leverage the strengths of the relational paradigm. Denormalization in NoSQL allows you to leverage the strengths of the NoSQL paradigm.
- 之前就覺得 SQL 的正規化在 NoSQL 會有問題。
- 你所不知道的 Python 標準函式庫用法 01 — sys | louie_lu's blog
- Python of the week 不夠看了
- 現在有 Python of the day 而且還是繁體中文版
- 寫得也挺詳細的
- GitHub - CindyLinz/Chrome-GreenifyFacebook: 綠化 Facebook 畫面的 Chrome extenison
- 因應中國時報的綠色恐怖寫了這個 Chrome 套件
- 笑死我 XDD
- apan1121/powerInfo
- powerInfo
- 台灣電廠即時機組發電量
達克效應(英語:D-K effect),全稱為鄧寧-克魯格效應(英語:Dunning–Kruger effect),是一種認知偏差,能力欠缺的人有一種虛幻的自我優越感,錯誤地認為自己比真實情況更加優秀。
- 查爾斯 · 達爾文:「無知比知識更容易招致自信」
- 莎士比亞:「愚蠢的人總認為自己很聰明,而智者卻知道自己的無知。」
- 警惕自己啊
- Wat
The sarcasm in this talk does not represent anyone's actual opinion. For a more serious take on software, try Destroy All Software Screencasts: 10 to 15 minutes every other week, dense with information on advanced topics like Unix, TDD, OO Design, Vim, Ruby, and Git.
- 短短五分鐘的 lightning talk 但真的講的很好笑。
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