Collection for Y2017W31 (2017-07-31 Mon 00:00:00 +0800 ~ 2017-08-07 Mon 00:00:00 +0800)
- How can a kid prepare for the future? – Heron’s Blog
- How would you succeed if you only do things that “others want”? 寫得好
- 物聯網、VR、人工智慧,通通得仰賴的次世代通訊規格─5G – 寫點科普,請給指教。
- 先有軟體與數據文化,才有AI – all about data
- 「沒有軟體工程文化、不重視數據,就沒有絲毫追趕 AI 的可能性」
- 這個副標題實在太中肯了
- 多少公司都是這樣妄想一步登天
- 唉
- 寫實驗紀錄或工作日誌的重要性 – Albert Huang – Medium
- 每天花一點時間寫可以為自己之後省下不少時間呢,要查找一些相關資訊也會方便許多,之前的作法就是每天在相關的 issue 留下本日的進度,也方便自己隔天工作的時候可以快速進入狀況。
- 聽起來很簡單,但做起來不那麼簡單,每天要下班之前得花一段時間來整理並確認今天到底做了哪些事,一忙起來有時候就會無法做到。
- Linux 使用 find 找出限定修改時間內的檔案 - Tsung's Blog
- DEFCON 25 CTF参赛记 | MaskRay
- 原來 cLEMENCy 不只 9-bit byte 還有 27-bit register width 和 middle-endian 真夠怪
- HITCON 跟第三名差不少分 好猛啊
- GitHub - legitbs/cLEMENCy: cLEMENCy is the LEgitbs Middle ENdian Computer architecture developed by Lightning for DEF CON CTF 2017
- GitHub is home to over 20 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together.
- Deploying from Travis-CI to Google Container Engine | blog
Travis-ci is a great CI tool. In comparison to other solutions, it has the advantage of being free for Open Source projects and is well documented. This is why I’ve been using it for a while and more recently with regexrace, a project hosted in Google Container Engine cluster.
- Continuous Delivery in a microservice infrastructure with Google Container Engine, Docker and…
Nowadays Continuous Integration (CI) has become a de facto standard for modern tech companies and startups. There are several options of how you can setup your perfect CI environment, from using your own Jenkins cluster to third-party services like Travis or CircleCI.
- janetkuo/k8s-demos: Demo scripts for Kubernetes built-in controllers
- contrib/micro-demos at master · kubernetes/contrib
- GCPUG.TW meetup #28 - GKE上運作您的K8S服務 - Google Slides
- Kubernetes Workshop
- Why Order By With Limit and Offset is Slow - Faster Pagination in Mysql
Queries with LIMITs and OFFSETs are common in application that require pagination and in some cases might work well for a while. In many cases though, they become slow and painful once the OFFSET has a high value. Well, in most cases, low offset queries are not slow.
- Why Good People Leave Large Tech Companies –
I was visiting with an ex-student who’s now the CFO of a large public tech company. The company is still one of the hottest places to work in tech. They make hardware with a large part of their innovation in embedded software and services.
- 後來還是覺得得先進這些大公司累積一些經驗後,才有本錢自己出去闖啊。
- GitHub - kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap: Roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2017
- Hard Core Tech Books That Interest Me by alison985 - Product Hunt
- S.O.L.I.D: The First 5 Principles of Object Oriented Design ― Scotch
These principles, when combined together, make it easy for a programmer to develop software that are easy to maintain and extend. They also make it easy for developers to avoid code smells, easily refactor code, and are also a part of the agile or adaptive software development.
- 這篇很清楚的介紹了 OOP 裡頭會提到的 SOLID 各自代表什麼意思,也有給出實際程式碼的例子,排版也很乾淨舒服。
- 仔細想想大學修 OOP 的時候好像根本沒提到這個,只是在學 C++,修軟體工程的時候好像也只有提到 KISS。出來工作後也看到很多物件導向的程式碼沒照這個原則走,自己其實也沒有很嚴格遵守,現在看起來,如果都可以遵守的話,程式碼一定會好改不少吧,期許自己之後在寫物件導向有關的程式碼的時候可以謹記這 5 個原則。
- S - Single-responsiblity principle
- A class should have one and only one reason to change, meaning that a class should have only one job.
- O - Open-closed principle
- Objects or entities should be open for extension, but closed for modification
- L - Liskov substitution principle
- Let q(x) be a property provable about objects of x of type T. Then q(y) should be provable for objects y of type S where S is a subtype of T.
- I - Interface segregation principle
- A client should never be forced to implement an interface that it doesn't use or clients shouldn't be forced to depend on methods they do not use.
- D - Dependency Inversion Principle
- Entities must depend on abstractions not on concretions. It states that the high level module must not depend on the low level module, but they should depend on abstractions.
- S - Single-responsiblity principle
- concurrent.futures — 創立非同步任務 — 你所不知道的 Python 標準函式庫用法 06 | louie_lu's blog
- 還真沒印象有看過這個 lib 感覺比用 multiprocessing 或 threading 還好寫
- abc — 抽象類別 — 你所不知道的 Python 標準函式庫用法 03 | louie_lu's blog
- 也是個有用過但一直沒有很懂的 Library 呢
- Python New Style Class | Logan's Note
- 雖然有看過了 但再複習一次 Class 的繼承在 Python 2 和 3 之間的差別吧
- random — 你所不知道的 Python 標準函式庫用法 02 | louie_lu's blog
- Orange: How I Chained 4 vulnerabilities on GitHub Enterprise, From SSRF Execution Chain to RCE!
- 竟然可以串到變 RCE 真精彩
- Find Instructions Hidden In Your CPU | Hackaday
There was a time when owning a computer meant you probably knew most or all of the instructions it could execute. Your modern PC, though, has a lot of instructions, many of them meant for specialized operating system, encryption, or digital signal processing features.
- xoreaxeaxeax/sandsifter: The x86 processor fuzzer
The sandsifter audits x86 processors for hidden instructions and hardware bugs, by systematically generating machine code to search through a processor's instruction set, and monitoring execution for anomalies.
- 一青窈與平井堅XD - YouTube
- 靠北 用 Audacity 試了一下發現這是真的說
- 一青窈的もらい泣き用改變音高的那種放慢 80% 就會變成平井堅的歌聲
- 以前聽這首歌完全不知道 太神奇了 XDDD
- 穷忙的人生 - 阮一峰的网络日志
- 真是貼切啊
- 波音 787 超狂測試,一邊挑戰最長飛行距離一邊畫飛機 - 電腦王阿達
- 作為客機製造公司,Boeing 波音可以說是這個領域的第一。最近該公司測試最新客機 波音 787 ,計畫要進行一場近18小時的長程飛行測試時,一般只要讓飛機在兩地之間來回繞行以達到里程,但該公司最後在美國領空,用飛行過
- 史上最狂 AirDrop 飛行中的 747、777 機長對傳照片 #波音 (127439) - 癮科技
- 剛在Facebook粉絲專頁Jamaica Aviation Spotters貼出某位波音747-8型飛機的機長,碰到正在飛行的新加坡航空777型飛機,想傳圖片給對方機長,結果靠的竟然是iPhone的AirDrop,這大概是蘋果AirDrop的最好宣傳案例。
- LPT: Youtube: how to play all videos from a channel as a playlist : LifeProTips
- 隨便點一個影片在網址加上
- 隨便點一個影片在網址加上
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