Collection for Y2017W32 (2017-08-07 Mon 00:00:00 +0800 ~ 2017-08-14 Mon 00:00:00 +0800)
- GitHub - mattya/chainer-DCGAN: Chainer implementation of Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network
画像を生成するニューラルネットです。 12/24のchainer advent calendarに解説を書きました。 http://qiita.
- 用生成式對抗網路來讓程式自動畫圖,真的是很有趣。
- GitHub - fchollet/keras: Deep Learning library for Python. Runs on TensorFlow, Theano, or CNTK.
Keras: Deep Learning library for TensorFlow and Theano You have just found Keras. Keras is a high-level neural networks library, written in Python and capable of running on top of either TensorFlow or Theano. It was developed with a focus on enabling fast experimentation.
- fastai/courses: Courses
These are the lecture materials from Practical Deep Learning for Coders. Two important parts of the course are our online forums and our wiki. If you are encountering an error, we recommend that you first search the forums and wiki for a solution.
- systemd - How to clear journalctl - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
I couldn't find in google any safe way to clear systemd journal. Do anyone know any safe and reliable way to do so? Let's say I was experimenting with something and my logs got cluttered with various error messages. Moreover I'm displaying my journal on my desktop by using Conky.
journalctl --vacuum-time=2d
orjournalctl --vacuum-size=500M
- 當
的 log 太肥需要清除的時候會用到的指令。
- Women will never advance doing community work – Karolina Szczur – Medium
- 這篇說的很好
- 社群、工作與個人能力增長的拿捏的確是個問題
- 但個人覺得跟性別無關啊
- 不知道為何特別強調女性
- AWK 遇到計算欄位上限 32767 的問題修復 - Tsung's Blog
- 直接把
- 直接把
- 8 commands to check cpu information on Linux
The cpu information includes details about the processor, like the architecture, vendor name, model, number of cores, speed of each core etc. There are quite a few commands on linux to get those details about the cpu hardware, and here is a brief about some of the commands.
- How to check processor and cpu details on Linux | | The source for Linux information
Processor/Cpu details The details about the processor that we shall be talking about include, number of cores, availability of hyper threading, architecture, cache size etc. To find these details about the cpu on your system can be a bit difficult because the way different commands check them.
- How to Set and Unset Local, User and System Wide Environment Variables in Linux
Environment Variables are some special variables that are defined in shell and are needed by programs while execution. They can be system defined or user defined. System defined variables are those which are set by system and are used by system level programs. For e.g.
- bash - List all environment variables, and show if they are exported or not - Ask Ubuntu
- How to have Linux ls command show second in time stamp - Super User
Something annoying about ls -l command is it shows only hour and minute for a file(like 08:30). How can I see the second portion(like 08:30:44)?
- nuxt/nuxt.js: Versatile Vue.js Framework
- stubbornella/oocss: Object Oriented CSS Framework
- ramda/ramda: Practical functional Javascript
Ramda A practical functional library for JavaScript programmers. Why Ramda? There are already several excellent libraries with a functional flavor. Typically, they are meant to be general-purpose toolkits, suitable for working in multiple paradigms. Ramda has a more focused goal.
- pathlib — 物件導向的檔案系統路徑 — 你所不知道的 Python 標準函式庫用法 12 | louie_lu's blog
- 原來除了
- 原來除了
- enum — 枚舉型態 — 你所不知道的 Python 標準函式庫用法 07 | louie_lu's blog
- sqlite3 — Embedded Relational Database — PyMOTW 3 – Doug Hellmann
- linecache — 你所不知道的 Python 標準函式庫用法 05 | louie_lu's blog
- python - urllib and "SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED" Error - Stack Overflow
- 官方 Python 的 OS X 版本在 SSL 上的處理有奇怪的問題,連線到 HTTPS 會出錯,用 homebrew 裝的就沒這個問題。
- ImportError, undefined symbol · Issue #5141 · Theano/Theano
- 用 Theano 的時候遇到這個奇怪的 error
- The Benefits of Server Side Rendering Over Client Side Rendering
Most of our pages on are using server side rendering (henceforth SSR) with only a few unique exceptions. Due to the benefits of SSR, when we transformed our stack to React and Nodejs, we put a lot of time and effort in optimizing SSR performance.
- 信任的演化
- 這篇用很簡單的互動遊戲來講解信任這件事與不同類型的人做出的行為會對整個社會造成什麼樣的影響,很有趣。
- 《星海爭霸II》API 現已推出 - 《星海爭霸II》
- 第一次看到線上遊戲推出 API...
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