ITSE == Introduction To Software Engineering …

ITSE == Introduction To Software Engineering

NCTUCS 2013-Fall Introduction to Software Engineering by Professor Feng-Jian Wang

Ch2 - Process Models

Process Patterns

  • A process pattern
    • describes a process-related problem that is encountered during software engineering work
    • identifies the environment in which the problem has been encountered
    • suggests one or more proven solutions to the problem.
  • A process pattern provides you with a template - a consistent method for describing problem solutions within the context of the software process.
  • Patterns can be defined at any level of abstraction. In some cases, a pattern might be used to describe a problem (and solution) associated with a complete process model.
  • patterns can be used to describe a problem (and solution) associated with a framework activity (e.g., planning) or an action within a framework activity (e.g., project estimating).
  • Ambler [Amb98] has proposed a template for describing a process pattern:
    • Pattern Name
    • Forces - The environment in which the pattern is encountered and the issues that make the problem visible and may affect its solution.
    • Type
      • Stage pattern - defines a problem associated with a framework activity for the process.
      • Task pattern - defines a problem associated with a software engineering action or work task and relevant to successful software engineering practice.
      • Phase pattern - define the sequence of framework activities that occurs within the process, even when the overall flow of activities is iterative in nature.
    • Initial context - Describes the conditions under which the pattern applies.
      1. What organizational or team-related activities have already occurred?
      2. What is the entry state for the process?
      3. What software engineering information or project information already exists?
    • Problem - The specific problem to be solved by the pattern
    • Solution - Describes how to implement the pattern successfully
    • Resulting Context - Describes the conditions that will result once the pattern has been successfully implemented.
    • Related Patterns - Provide a list of all process patterns that are directly related to this one.
    • Known Uses and Examples - Indicate the specific instances in which the pattern is applicable.

Prescriptive Process Models

The Waterfall Model


The V-Model


Incremental Process Models


Evolutionary Process Models

Evolutionary models are iterative.
They are characterized in a manner that enables you to develop increasingly more complete versions of the software.

  • Prototyping

  • The Spiral Model

  • Concurrent Models

The Unified Process (UP)

  • UP Phases
  • UP Work Products
  • Personal Software Process (PSP)
  • Team Software Process (TSP)



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