Title: Theoretical Foundation Behind Strong …
Title: Theoretical Foundation Behind Strong Growth of Smartphones
Speaker: 黃正能 / 華盛頓大學電機系教授
- Qualcomm's Awareness
- AT&T's Digital Home/Life
- Wearable Computing and Bendable Display
- Google glass - 華大教授三、四年前被 google 挖角過去做的東西
- Samsung bendable display
- Apple TV AirPlay and Google Chromecast
- display device 不需要永遠都在 mobile device 上
- google chromecast USD$35.00
- Transparent Smart Windows
What are Theoretical Foundations behind these technology?
Energy Efficient + CPU, GPU
SoC Based Powerful Engine
Qualcomm SnapDragon 600
根據不同狀況使用 CPU 或 GPU
Power Efficient Design
- 省電
- Thermal Design Power
- Leakage 的耗電越來越大
Run-Time System-Level Energy Self-Optimization
- Optimization - 控管 Device 內的各個 chip
Human Psychoacoustics
- Hearing Sensitivity - 只聽得到對 20~20000 Hz 的頻率
- Frequency Masking - 某個頻率的聲音特別明顯的時候,會聽不到這段時間其他頻率的聲音
- Saving More Bits with Frequency Masking
- Temporal Masking - 某段時間音量特別大的話,會聽不到在這段時間前後的其他聲音
Audio Coding Standards
- MP3 (128Kbps)
- AC3
- AAC (64Kbps)
- HE-AAC (48 or 24 Kbps)
Digital Video Coding
- Digitize
- Infra-frame compression (Simlliar to JPEG)
- A DCT Based Intra-Frame Encoding
- img -> DCT -> Quantize -> Zig-zag -> ...
- Coding Block
- Motion Vector Search - 拿 difference 去作 DCD 再作壓縮,省略掉重複的部份
- A DCT Based Intra-Frame Encoding
- Symbol Entropy coding - 機率因素
- Rate Control
Video Coding Evolution
- MPEG-2 - 1994
- AVC/H.264 - 2003
- AVC Scalable Extension
- HEVC/H.265 - 2013
H.265 用 50% 的 bitrate 壓縮出來的效果跟 H.264 100% bitrate 差不多
Multi- and Free-View of Video Scenes
- Users can dynamic select and viewpoint they want to use
- Virtual Viewpoint Not Captured by the real camera - 可以透過多個 Camera 模擬出實際上不是由真的 Camera 拍攝出來的視角
What will be 5G?
1991 - Voice - SMS - 2G
2001 - App - SNS - 3G
2009 - Big Data - Cloud - 4G
2020 - ??? - ??? - 5G #沒記到- -"
Earlier Generations of Mobile Technologies
- 2G
- Hive technology
Toward ALL-IP 4G Wireless
- LTE (Long Term Evolution) of 3GPP
- 4G
Channel Quality Dependent Scheduling
MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output)
SD(Spatial Diversity) & SM(Spatial Multiplexing)
Coordinated MIMO
Adaptive Modulation & Coding (AMC)
加入調變或 error correction code 讓收訊的效果更好
QoS(Quality of Service) and QoE(Quality of Experience)
- Packet lost
Scheduling and Resource Allocation
Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
Secured and Right Protected Usage
Digital Right Management (DRM)
- DRM License Server - 認證
What is Encryption
- Symmetric encryption (secret key cryptography)
- Asymmetric encryption (public key cryptography) - 為了要傳送 secret key
Secret Key
- Fast and efficient
- to use public key cryptography only to a private secret key
Public Key
- RSA (明天要考密碼學期中考 還只能用手算 現在看到這個真的超親切的啊)
- Smartphones will evolve to all kinds of wearable devices, sensors, attached to our bodies (wireless chargeable), and displays are avaailable anywhere surrounding us.
- HCIs(speech, gesture, facial, etc) will replace keypads
- Internet of things(IoTs) will be all ubiquitous in our living environment
- Information are collectd, indexed, and available in/from clouds
作 low power 技術的教授都被 Google 挖走了XDD
Academic Research: It is Easier Than You Think
Important Features (M2I4) You should have
+ Motivation: really enjoy digging deeper into the scientific truth
+ Maturity: never afraid of being failed or left alone
+ Innovation: always think of what is (or can be) new and different?
+ Intelligence: filter useful information to become usable knowledge
+ Independence: a step-by-step problem formulation and module solving
+ Integrity: always be honest in reporting and research
Getting Ready for Research
- Research topics selection and switching
- Extend from senior graduate students' topics
- Existing research projects in the Lab
- Something your advisor is willing to learn closely with you
- Depth knowledge
- A good series of class taking, or self study related tutorial background
- Most updated Conference/Journal papers (IEEE Xplore)
- Joint project discussions and group collaborations, or new class offering
- Breadth Knowledge
- Attend technical presentation and active questioning (key messages?)
- Magazine and Hi-Tech News
- 到最後很多領域會殊途同歸,都會彼此相關,所以有機會的話可以瞭解一下其他領域在做什麼,尤其是一些 Conference。
- 透過瞭解其他領域的新聞及期刊,可以瞭解到整個市場的趨勢。
- 研究生有人去面試的時候,被問到的問題剛好是他在聽同學的 group meeting 時聽到的。
Jumping into Research
- Extensive literature survey and problem formulation
- Summarize others' paper in their block diagrams (flow charts) - look for weak links or not convincing blocks
- 看完別人的 paper 以後,要有辦法自己畫出剛剛那篇 paper 的 block diagram ,如果畫不出來的話,代表你還不夠瞭解那篇論文在幹嘛。
- Conclusion meet the original problem formulation?
- Methodologies: integration -> evolution -> revolution
- Always use the data and compare the results with the most recent or best reported results
- Clear and detailed interpretation of simulation results
- 做完 simulation 以後,要把結果好好想清楚,再跟自己的 leader 討論,而不是把整個 simulation 的結果原封不動的丟出來。
- Confidence and leadership building (organized speech in group or individual meetings)
- 出去就業後不該是只幫別人寫程式碼,而是應該當個 leader ,因為研究給你訓練就是如此。得到一個新的題目、開始 survey、嘗試、失敗,這是你已經學到的東西,所以你應該已經瞭解如何處理,所以你應該當個 leader。
Persistence in Research
- Never expect a smooth path, refine the research scopes all the time (backoff slightly to find brighter road ahead)
- Learn from any failure
- Never hide from your professor
Research Publications and Technical Reports
- Practice Engilish writing of thesis and papers: practice by mimicking
- Always seek publication opportunities: from conferences to periodical journals
- 自己主動去找有什麼地方可以投稿。
- Learn the standard writing style and outline of manuscript (a good outline, 70% done!)
- 能夠把自己大綱全部列出來,並且瞭解大綱在做什麼,這樣大概就完成百分之七十了。
- Learn from the grammatical errors corrected by your advisor or technical editing persons.
- 寫論文的文法很重要,設法知道老師幫你改了哪些部分,並從中學習。
- Discuss clearly the flow charts and simulation results in your papers, never leave the weak links
- Never be afraid/frustrated of major/minor revision of paper submission - reviewers are never your enemies
- 別人有什麼意見的話要用心傾聽,如果有好的意見的話就記得要更改。
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