NCTUCS 2013-Fall Introduction to Cryptography …
NCTUCS 2013-Fall Introduction to Cryptography by Professor Rong-Jaye Chen.
LFSR == Linear Feedback Shift Register
Feedback shift register
connection polynomial:
C(x) = 1 + C_{1}x + C_{2}x^{2} + \cdots + C_{L}x^{L}
If the feedback function is linear, the FSR is called LFSR
S_{L} = C_{1}S_{L-1} + C_{2}S_{L-2} + \cdots + C_{L}S_0{}
is linear.
& \text{If } C(x) \text{ is primitive and the initial state } \\
& (S_{0}, S_{1}, \cdots , S_{L-1}) \text{ is not zero, } \text{the period is } 2^{L} - 1
A stream cipher constructed by a LFSR alone is not secure.
Nonlinear combination generators
- Geff Generator (1973)
Nonlinear filter generators
Clcok-controlled generators
- Stop-and-Go Generators (1987)
- The Shrinking Generator (1993)
- A5 (the GSM standard)
- E0 (Bluetooth's standard encryption)
GSM A5/1
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